We occasionally check who has been accessing the websites set up for each of my published books. This is fairly easy to do because every time someone visits a web site there's an electronic trail left in the log files on the web server computer. From those details we can check who owns the IP Address of the person/organisation making the enquiry.
On the Company Mole web site we found one interesting entry(IP: leading back to a company called Cyveillance Inc which is owned by QinetiQ. QinetiQ is the research company which was spun off from the British Ministry of Defence. It is often involved in classified work and the Intelligence services.
The log entry showed Cyveillance had scanned all of the Company Mole web site. A look at the Cyveillance public web site shows as part of their public activities they are involved in "Brand Protection" for major corporate organisations. Interestingly our CM web site is set up so it can only be accessed by name "www.companymole.com", so this was no random search. Maybe Cyveillance has discovered the truth about the Foundation of Honour? Is Adam Cranford now recorded on a secret massive intelligence database?.